Why you need Short-Term Goals

Why you need Short-Term Goals

Why You Need Short-Term Goals!

Q:  If it took you 3 months to lose 30lbs instead of 12 months, would you be more or less motivated?

A:  You would obviously be MORE Motivated.  Everyone wants results in a short period of time. They want to lose 5, 30lbs or 100lbs, Maybe lose inches off the waist or maybe look better naked, hey that’s a real goal.

But how much time do you really need to achieve your goal? How long is a short-term goal? and what should you expect happen in the short term?

Before I answer this, first we need to know why it’s so important to have short term goals. 

  • Short term goals provide the foundation for something greater.  Say you wanted to lose 100lbs. 

100lbs can take you 6 to 18 months.  But if we shot for 25lbs in 12 weeks or 7lbs in 4 weeks.  We make small progress and start to chip away at that 100lbs.  And those little habits you create along the way…will be the foundation for something so much greater.

  • Short term goals Increase your focus: because you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, it won’t be a long dragged-out process that can seem endless.  Focus your energy at the task at hand and leave little to NO ROOM for EXCUSES!  Its just a fraction of your time, so focus on what’s in front of you.
    • The kids can wait 10 more minutes until mom is done
    • You can be late 30 minutes to the party because you got a 20min HIIT Cardio workout you gotta’ do before you go.  “Ain’t nobody gonna’ be there on time anyway”.  How many times you set a party to start at 6 and everybody show up at 7.
    • Get up early for training because its only a few weeks of your life.
    • Focus on your task and focus on you!  It’s your time now!!!
  • Short term goals should be SMART to be effective – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely
    • Specific – Follow my plan how I designed it for you.  I already did the hard work for you, there is no guessing and don’t deviate from the specific details, just follow it.
    • Measurable – We measure your progress every 2 to 4 weeks to ensure your in the right direction
    • Attainable – we have a minimum amount of weight loss that women and men need to achieve a every month. Fortunately, my program is designed to have maximum results when followed exactly and we have the possibility of losing more than just the minimum.
    • Realistic – Yeah, I know you want to have that cheat meal and its part of the plan.  When you follow the plan and have progress – then we reward ourselves.  It’s not all work and no fun.  If you cheating during the week, you are having way too much fun.
    • Timely - Most of my programs are 5 days a week for 12 weeks. Short term. 

After we complete the 12 weeks we regroup, measure the progress and set the next short-term goal

  •  Finally, short term goals, keeps you motivated – Let me tell you why…When we commit for 12 weeks, stay focused, play it SMART we SEE RESULTS.  That’s it! We See Results!!! this is the reason why we keep going
    • You see changes in the scale
    • In your clothes
    • Your face
    • In your progress pictures

We stay in the game.  We are motivated to continue training, eating right and following the plan because we see the RESUTLS

No matter how big or small your progress is, Progress is Progress!!!

Having short term goals increase your focus, they are effective when done the SMART way and keeps you motivated because you see the results.If you want to have results in a short time frame, build the foundation for something greater consider trying one of my programs.We will work closely with you to help you achieve your goals.

Let’s Engineer some Greatness!


If you’re looking to live a healthier lifestyle, lose weight, or take your fitness to the next level, Isaac is here to help you do so. With his down-to-earth demeanor and passion for bettering ourselves, The Body Engineer is the perfect person to have in your corner. Contact him using the form below or call 1-281-503-5267 today to book your initial consultation and take the first step towards a better life.

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