Online Personal Training

The Body Engineer provides online personal training programs based out of McAllen, TX that feature tailored exercise and nutrition programs that allow you to train no matter where you live. These virtual programs allow you to complete your workouts in the gym of your choosing or the comfort of your own home, while still receiving the guidance necessary to be successful in achieving your weight loss or fitness goals. Regular check-ins with Isaac help hold you accountable and are used to address any challenges or correct any mistakes that may be occurring.

Contact Isaac today to find out more about these flexible and affordable online programs. Register below for a free account and purchase program from the marketplace.

Flexible Fitness Programs With Expert Guidance

My online personal training programs are completely tailored to the client’s weight loss or fitness goals and are structured based on their current fitness level. These custom programs allow you the flexibility to execute your workouts wherever and whenever you want. With detailed instructions provided every month, you’ll receive the expert guidance I provide my 1-on-1 personal training clients without having to meet in person. This is perfect for those people who have irregular or extremely hectic schedules and find it difficult to commit to a specific day or time for their workouts. 

You’ll Be Held Accountable Through Weekly Progress Reports & Photos

I don’t let my online personal training clients off the hook. I know one of the hardest things when it comes to achieving weight loss or fitness goals is the daily toll these workouts and sacrifices can take on our body and mind. Without anyone holding us accountable, it can be easy to slide back into our old habits and regress. That’s where I come into play. By having you submit weekly progress reports and photos, I can keep your feet to the fire and help you correct any mistakes or stumbles you’ve had along the way. Everything I do for my clients comes from a place of compassion and genuine interest in their health and well-being. You won’t get the drill sergeant treatment from me. But you will be held accountable. If I’m putting this much effort into the betterment of you, I expect the same level of effort in return.


With his personalized nutrition plans and 1-on-1 training, The Body Engineer can help you achieve remarkable weight-loss results in a short period of time. The best part? Training with Isaac is actually fun! His infectious enthusiasm and boisterous personality will have you looking forward to your workouts as opposed to dreading them.

Contact Isaac Medina today to take the first step towards a new you.

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What You Can Expect From My Online Personal Training Program

All of my online personal training programs feature the following: 

  • Tailored nutrition plan
  • Custom exercise plan to be completed at a gym of your choosing or at home
  • Supplement list
  • Optional hormone protocol

Custom Meal Plans & Nutritional Guidance To Help You Lose Weight Or Add Muscle

Whether you’re looking to lose weight, bulk up, or keep things relatively the same, my online personal training programs come with custom meal plans and nutritional guidance to help get you there. These in-depth plans take the guesswork out of eating right and properly fueling your body. With my scientific background and nearly two decades of personal training experience, I can expertly craft a nutrition plan that fits into your daily schedule. These plans feature foods which are readily available and easy to prepare, allowing you to adhere to them more easily.

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If you’re ready to take the first step towards making a name for yourself in the fitness world through competition or the IsaBody Challenge, The Body Engineer is the coach you need in your corner.

As the 2019 NPC IronHouse Classic Bodybuilding Overall Champion and 2018 IsaBody Challenge finalist, Isaac knows what it takes to compete at the highest levels. Now he’s willing to share all his secrets with you.

Contact Isaac today to find out more about these online programs that can help separate you from your competitors and put you in the best position to win.


How My Online Fitness And Nutrition Coaching Works

  1. You will fill out a PAR-Q (physical activity readiness questionnaire) so I can better understand your physical capabilities and/or limitations.
  2. I'll construct your customized fitness or nutrition plan and provide it to you.
  3. You'll start the program as specified by the plan.
  4. We'll check in together every week to see how you're progressing and will also address any challenges or issues you're facing.

Our Services

Frequently Asked Questions

This flexible program is suited for those looking to have a lifestyle change, not too much dieting, but challenging enough to take you to the next level and crush your goals. Expect to eat at least three whole meals and two small snacks daily. Intermittent fasting is also introduced in this program for some of the weeks. Also, expect to exercise anywhere from 3 to 6 days a week. This will vary though, depending on your skill level.

If you are having weekly progress, then yes, you may have one to two cheat meals per week. As long as there are visible changes in your body, your clothes are fitting loose, and/or your weight is dropping, then you can have a cheat meal. I prefer cheat meals to be eaten for the last meal of the day. Avoid alcohol and high sugar.

Yes, if you are training 3 to 5 days a week, then you have a day or two to make it up. I also suggest you don’t train on Sundays. Use Sunday as a day of rest and to prepare your meals for the upcoming week.

The First Step Towards A Body Engineered

The First Step Towards A Body Engineered

Isaac Medina is the 2019 NPC IronHouse Classic Bodybuilding Overall Champion and a 2018 IsaBody Challenge Finalist. By blending his scientific background as an engineer with his love and passion for physical training, Isaac has helped hundreds of people transform their lives for the better and helped them become who they truly want to be. Whether you’re looking to lose weight, stay in shape, or get ready for the next competition, Isaac has the tools and knowledge you need to achieve your goals. Contact Isaac by calling 1-281- 577-7551 or by filling out the contact form and take the first step towards a body engineered by Isaac.


If you’re looking to live a healthier lifestyle, lose weight, or take your fitness to the next level, Isaac is here to help you do so. With his down-to-earth demeanor and passion for bettering ourselves, The Body Engineer is the perfect person to have in your corner. Contact him using the form below or call 1-281-503-5267 today to book your initial consultation and take the first step towards a better life.

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