Top 10 Alkaline Foods

Top 10 Alkaline Foods

What makes our pH levels become so acidic?  Our pH is affected by the foods we eat.  Certain foods create acid in the body whereas other foods alkalize the body. 

Maintaining the correct pH balance in our body is critical to optimizing our overall health and well-being. pH balance is our first and best line of defense against sickness and disease and to increase health and vitality

Today’s diets are full of processed foods, sugar, coffee and fast foods and are very acidic, forcing the body to scramble and “neutralize” its pH to a normal level.  How does the body do this?  It taps into the calcium from our bones and teeth causing damage and making them weaker according to the Royal Osteoporosis Society.  We can supplement on calcium to bridge the gap, but we forget why its being leaked from the bones in the first place.  If the body is in a constant state of high acidity, we fall into a state of Acidosis and this needs to be corrected. 

The plans created for you by The Body Engineer ensure we keep you from getting too acidic by reviewing your bloodwork levels and performing at-home tests.  We make the adjustments and get you to optimal levels.

Fortunately, we can balance our pH with eating more alkaline foods listed below!

Top Alkaline Foods

  • Spinach, Swiss Chard
  • Kale, Dandelion Greens
  • Beets
  • Avocado
  • Unsweetened Milk or yogurt
  • Cucumber
  • Lemon
  • Almonds
  • Apricots and Figs

If you want to add alkaline producing supplements to your regimen and see a rapid improvement, as it has worked for me, try my top 3 alkaline-producing supplements below.

My Top 3 Alkaline-Producing Supplements

One thing I love recommending is, first thing when you wake up in the morning, drinking warm lemon water!  Warm up 8oz of water, squeeze one full size lemon into the water and drink it with a straw.  This will improve pH levels.

Hopefully, by now you have some ideas to make your body more alkaline.  The nutrition plans created by The Body Engineer incorporate the Alkaline foods listed above, plus water!!!  We make every effort to provide balance and optimal results during your journey.


If you’re looking to live a healthier lifestyle, lose weight, or take your fitness to the next level, Isaac is here to help you do so. With his down-to-earth demeanor and passion for bettering ourselves, The Body Engineer is the perfect person to have in your corner. Contact him using the form below or call 1-281-503-5267 today to book your initial consultation and take the first step towards a better life.

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