Tips To Manage Your Stress

Tips To Manage Your Stress


The first step in managing stress is recognizing the presence of stress in your life.  We all experience symptoms of stress in different ways, we get angry, irritated, we’re unable to sleep or get headaches.

What are the signs of stress in you? 

It is also important to identify the situations that can cause you stress and can be stressful, some examples: family, relationships, work, school, finances or chronic or acute problems, once you understand where your stress is originating from, you can find ways to deal with them.  Once you recognize that stress is affecting you, the next thing to do is, “Avoid & Stop Practicing relieving stress in unhealthy ways”.

“Stop Practicing Unhealthy Ways of Relieving Stress”

Examples of unhealthy stress relief are:

  • Eating excessively
  • Drinking alcohol and the use overuse of controlled substances or drugs
  • Smoking
  • Sleeping too much or not getting enough sleep
  • Burst of rage and anger
  • Taking things out on everyone
  • Practicing these behaviors may make you feel better at first, numb the pain, but they may do more harm than good.

Instead, use the tips below to find healthy ways to reduce stress.

A) Acknowledge the fact that there are things you can't change.

  • Accepting that you can't change certain things allows you to let them go and not get upset.
  • Accept that I cannot change an event or loss that has hurt me in the past.
  • Accept that things don't go the way we want...
  • Accept the reality of our own mistakes and take responsibility
  • Accept that you are not perfect and practice doing your best
  • Forgive yourself and forgive others

B) Do something you enjoy. When stress has you down, do something you enjoy to help get you back on your feet. Spend time in your hobby, If you don’t have a hobby, find something you love doing and do it.   For example; Right now, I’ve been missing my first motorcycle & I love motorcycles.  So, I visit motorcycles shops, attending motorcycles events.  Or it can be something as simple as reading a good book, listening to music, watching your favorite movie, or going out to dinner with a friend or start a new hobby or class. No matter what you choose, spend 15min or an entire weekend doing something fun!

C) Learn new ways to relax. For example, when you start to get stressed your breathing becomes tighter and shallower. When you need to inject instant energy, just breathe; more oxygen in your body through deep breathing translates into greater energy generation.

Relaxation techniques help slow your heart rate and lower your blood pressure. There are many types, from deep breathing and meditation, take a class or try learning from books, videos or online resources.  Going to the beach, a park or taking a vacation also helps you relax.

D) Get enough sleep. Getting enough rest at night can help you think more clearly and have more energy. This will make it easier to handle any issues that may arise. Try to sleep between 6 and 8 hours every night.

E) Workout. Being physically active every day is the best and easiest way to deal with stress. When you exercise, your brain releases chemicals that make you feel good. It can also help you release energy or frustration. I recommend exercises that keep you connected with nature and doing things outdoors like walking, hiking, biking, playing softball, swimming, or dancing for at least 15 minutes most days of the week to start off.

F) Eat a healthy diet. Eating healthy foods helps give your body and mind energy. Avoid high-sugar snacks and eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fat-free, reduced dairy, and lean protein.  A balanced and structured diet can be the key you need for a life transformation.  Contact the best personal trainers at Body Engineer for meal plans suited for you.

G) Connect with your loved ones. Don't let stress get in the way of you and your social life. Spending time with family and friends can help you feel better and de-stress. Confiding your problems to a friend can also help you decompress and may help you find ways to solve them.  Its ok to seek professional help.  Your family may not always have the answers and it may be necessary to see help from a licensed professional counselor or medical professional.

H) Feed Your Soul:  Meditate. Set up time for yourself to pray in private. Don’t belief for a minute that you can go through life thinking that you need nobody to help.  Reach out to the source, your creator and ask. Philippians 4:6-7 reads,

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  


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