The Hardest Part Of Weight Loss Is Getting Started

The Hardest Part Of Weight Loss Is Getting Started

Heard that phrase before?

If you haven’t, well, “The hardest part of any fitness journey is getting started”  I can easily get “All motivational” on you and give reasons why we all should start getting in shape, but the truth of the matter is that we don’t get serious about our health until we get sick or diagnosed with some condition.  Today, 70% of the population in my area is Obese, Diabetic or Pre-Diabetic and have many underling health issues, plus we were just ranked (March 2020) Fattest City in America, McAllen Texas!   Also, we are currently fighting the Corona Virus (COVID-19) and the entire world is on lockdown (cant leave their house) because 20% of the population will die if we don’t stop spreading the virus.  Oh, and by the way, guess who is most at risk?

According to the Center for Disease Control (

  1. People over the age of 65
  2. People at any age with severe obesity
  3. People with chronic lung disease, asthma and heart conditions 
  4. People with low immune systems

And the list goes on…

Is this, what it’s going to take for us to get started and begin living a healthy lifestyle?  History shows us that, the answer is Yes!  Only a small percent of the population will begin their fitness journey for other reasons than a diagnosis or feeling ill.  They are “Tired of being tired”, “Not happy with the way they look or feel” or the popular reason, they are “Divorced and looking” and finally a notable one… “Fighting sadness or depression”. 

Whatever reason you may have to get started in your fitness journey, let that be your “Why”, “Your reason to move”, “Your reason to get started” and focus on the things you CAN control, like making better eating choices and find some physical that you enjoy doing consistently. Exercise, in turn, will boost your immune system, help you lose weight, decrease chronic health conditions and make you feel amazing!

I personally have been in dark times in my life, for example, when I lived away from my 3 kids for 5 years and for two and a half of those 5 years, I didn’t see or talk to my kids because of a really bad 1st divorce.  Another time, during a 16-week period, I went through depression in my second marriage, got divorced agaaaain, was forced to sell my home, that I literally built with my two hands, I had tens of thousands of dollars taken from me, I got laid off my job as an engineer. I then traveled across the state to move in with my mom at the age of 34, sad but true, and then decided to switch careers.  Shit hit the fan real quick that time, all while being enrolled in some transformation challenge called the IsaBody Challenge a friend put me in to keep me focused-off my problems.

I had a very strong “Why” at the time and wanted to get back in better health during this trial in my life.  I knew that the only two things I could control; my eating and following an exercise regimen. I couldn’t control my problems, but I could control my health by making better choices, plus it made me feel good.  I had such a great physical transformation during my “16 weeks of hell” that I actually became an IsaBody Challenge Finalist. Out of 46,000 entries in the US and Canada, I became 1 of 15 Finalist and won $3000, but that’s a topic for another day.

So, whatever your “Why” is, let it be positive, focus on it and go after it.  If you don’t have a “Why”, look for it, I am very confident you’ll find it.  I promise you, if you do this, you won’t regret it.

Stay Fit, Isaac Medina



If you’re looking to live a healthier lifestyle, lose weight, or take your fitness to the next level, Isaac is here to help you do so. With his down-to-earth demeanor and passion for bettering ourselves, The Body Engineer is the perfect person to have in your corner. Contact him using the form below or call 1-281-503-5267 today to book your initial consultation and take the first step towards a better life.

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