Exercise and Diabetes

Diabetes And Exercise

  1. What to look for when if your looking to start exercise and you are diabetic?

  2. What lifestyle changes need to happen?

  3. What are common misconceptions about physical activity as it relates to combating and preventing diabetes, and being overweight?

NEWS Channel 5 Interview: https://www.krgv.com/news/especialista-dieta-y-ejercicio-ayuda-a-controlar-la-diabetes

Top 3 Questions Someone with Diabetes Should be Asking Before Starting an Exercise Program

Q: As a trainer, what do I look for when I see a client that has diabetes and wants to start exercising?  I look for two important things.

  1. Is your sugar controlled – this will tell you a lot about a person!  Controlled blood sugar tells you that the person has a good nutrition program, is taking their medication consistently and at the prescribed times and had good communication with their doctor and nutritionist. 
  2. Test blood sugar during exercise – Someone with diabetes should carry their glucometer with them during their exercise training sessions.  There are several reasons why they need to be testing in between session.  Here are a few:
    • How does different levels of exercise affect your blood sugar?
    • If you are just beginning to train, you must learn how much your sugar drops and when it drops?  
    • Does it drop more when you train at a fasted state?  
    • Does it drop extremely during HIIT training?
    • How does your glucose levels compare when performing cardio vs weight training? 
    • Can a pre-workout help or hurt you? 
    • Do you need to eat, before, during or after your training session?

This is what you as a person living with diabetes must know and your personal trainer must work closely with your doctor and or nutritionist to adjust accordingly, all while helping you achieve your fitness goals.

Q: What exactly do you instruct a client to change about their lifestyle and why?

  1. Establish Consistency & Create New Habits - Exercise may be new to someone with diabetes and establishing a consistent routine is critical for the success of that person.  They will have great physical results and have the potential of reversing diabetes, yes, I said “Reverse Diabetes!”.

Become consistent in these areas:

  • Exercise at least 3x a week for 60 minutes
  • Eat every 3-4hrs & Do Not Skip Meals
  • Lower your stress, stop being scared & worry less
  • Get to bed early and rest at least 6hrs per night

Q: What are common misconceptions about physical activity as it relates to combating and preventing diabetes, and being overweight?

  1. Don’t Know Where to Start – Find a personal trainer who is familiar with your situation and can guide you in the right direction.
  2. Fear and Embarrassment - Most people are scared to go to the gym and are embarrassed.  Dont be!  There are many private gyms where you get a key to the facility when you join.  Go at times where it wont be so busy.
  3. Lack of Motivation – Don’t wait to get any worse before you start doing something about your situation.  Most people wait to get diagnosed with a disease before they start training.  People with diabetes need guidance, structure and someone to show them how. Start there and they must do the rest.  We don’t need to babysit after that!

Find a personal trainer who is familiar with your situation and can guide you in the right direction.


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